The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe with Erin Surber

It’s Christmas in July! This week we are visiting the world of Narnia, where it is always Winter but never Christmas, at least until the Pevensie children get involved. This week’s guest is Erin Surber, Erin is an avid reader and an enthusiastic library patron. She has four children ages spanning 18 months to 9 years old. Erin has worked in the video production industry for 14 years and now hold the position of Head of Production for a Richmond-based production company. She loves being outside, hiking, running (slowly), and kayaking. Also very into cooking, traveling, and all things dark chocolate!

Our cocktail is staying on the Christmas theme with a Narnia 75, which I found on the FoodNetwork UK’s Christmas recipe page!

Narnia 75 Cocktail

  • 25ml gin

  • 1 tsp white sugar

  • 10ml lime juice

  • 100ml Champagne

In this Episode

Friendship of CS Lewis and JRR Tolkien

Worthdays - Richmond area non-profit to support those impacted by the foster care system


The Book of Night Women with Elizabeth Klaczynski


Always Only You with Sara Mueller