Anne of Green Gables with Deanna Firehair

Anne of Green Gables book cover with text with Deanna Firehair

Did you read the Anne of Green Gables series as a young girl and then walk through the woods pretending to be Anne and Diana? Yes? So did I and so did my friend Deanna!

Talking with Deanna about this book was so much fun, celebrating Anne and the cultural impact this story has had. A famous Anne quote is: “I'm so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers”. Well, I’m so glad I live in a world where there is an Anne of Green Gables.

Spoiler alert (Not really this is an iconic scene at this point): In the first book Anne accidentally gets her bestie Diana drunk on current wine, which she believes is raspberry cordial. Current wine apparently takes months to make, so we decided to make Raspberry Cordial Mules, which can be enjoyed with or without alcohol by making it with zero-proof vodka. I got the recipe from this lovely website and made the cordial myself in less than an hour!

Raspberry Cordial Mule

  • 12 oz. Frozen Raspberries

  • 3 cups Water

  • ¾ cup Sugar

  • 2 tsp. Lime Juice plus more for cocktails

  • Vodka

  • Ginger Beer

  • Fresh Raspberries (for garnish)

In this episode:

Deanna’s Instagram

Anne of Green Gables 2 part special (Megan Fellows version is cannon)

LM Montgomery


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